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  • Writer's pictureDebra

4 Ways to Stop Doubting your Intuition

As an empath, you’re intuitive and you know this is one of your superpowers. But how to know if it's really your intuition talking? What if you doubt your intuition? And what to do when your logical mind has better ideas?

You know the drill, you have an important decision to make, but you can’t seem to figure out what to do. You might have an either/ or situation going on, with two options competing for the green light.

Doubting your intuition or intuitive signals is pretty typical when you’re just starting to learn how to harness your new empath superpower. But if you need to make a snap decision, waffling and indecision can cost you an opportunity.

Here are 4 things to keep in mind when you start to doubt your intuition. These tips have helped me fine-tune my intuition over the years so I know they'll work for you, too.

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Feb 01, 2022

It felt so good when I saw this new posting. Just the fact that it was written. I loved this post. It actually came in the perfect timing because over the past couple weeks I have been struggling with keeping my shadow self in it’s lane. Doubting myself has become a regular thing as of recent and though I am aware of it while it is happening, it wasn’t always easy to disconnect from the doubt which was born out of fear..this came as a reminder that I CAN. I am ABLE and CAPABLE. My intuition has gotten really sharp and it has never failed me, I failed to listen. Wow. Lesson learned. Thanks Debra

Feb 08, 2022
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Thanks, Toreda! Uncanny how these topics come up when clients need them. It's how it's supposed to be. Glad you were able to get something out of it. Keep being awesome xx

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