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Mentorship Package

Become a high functioning empath and blast through personal plateaus

  • 50 min
  • 900 Canadian dollars
  • In-person in Nanaimo or online via Google Meet

Service Description

Save $300 with this package. What's included: 10 x 50 minute 1:1 sessions with me over the course of 10 weeks. This is a highly personalized package for those who qualify. You'll learn how to become a high functioning empath, manage your energy, and how to navigate these times with more success and less stress. You'll get all my best tips and tricks to keep up with the frequency changes on the planet safely and properly. Clients have called working with me long term "life-changing". What you can expect: stubborn blockages suddenly cleared, karmic release, the emergence of psychic gifts, deeper connection to the earth and your Higher Self, quicker, better manifestations, more spiritual discernment, better energetic boundaries, less psychic interference, stronger healing abilities, and more! In each session we'll clear your energy field to bring you into the higher frequency ranges where DNA activation occurs. Plus we'll dive deep applying what you're learning in the context of your current issues & challenges. You'll emerge stronger and better prepared to manage whatever comes your way in the future, on your own.

Cancellation Policy

Strict 24 hour cancellation policy. Sorry, no refunds.

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